Thursday, December 17, 2015

Poems 2

*old posts from previous blog site (DoubleA)

A Bit Too Not Over You

I saw a picture of you today 
Wearing a big smile on your face 
You seemed happy with your life 
And somehow I just realized 
Why would you ever think of me 
When you never even need me 
I had wished I was there with you 
I closed my eyes and t'was almost true 
My heart still hopes to be part of your entity 
But my mind knew there's no possibility 
Cos in my dreams it says the same thing 
That illusions can always be deceiving.


Just A Thought

Where are you my lover? 
It has been a while since we talk to each other 
The sweetest man I have ever known 
Who promised to love me forever 
Why I don't see in you anymore? 
The man that I used to know 
What have I done for you to hurt me this way? 
When all I do is to love you each day 
If you really want only me 
Then why you don't even talk to me 
With all these women that you meet 
You must have found what you seek 
I know that it's time let go 
To forget you is the path that I must go 
What we had will just be a memory 
A dream that could never become a reality 
If you're happy without me then so be it 
There's no need for this lady to wait 
All the feelings I have for you were put to waste 
The bestfriend I thought would be there has changed 
My heart has to accept it this way 
Good bye my love are the words that I should say 
If there is something I have realized with loving you 
That some good things never really lasts.



Your place can be taken over 
Just as I thought it would never 
But it suddenly happened 
Even when I don't want it 

Now that you're back 
Expecting the same spot 
You had occupied this space 
And would always top the race 

But deep inside we both know 
That everything is just a show 
And that our lives will go on 
With what our fate has bestowed 

So stop the game you're playing 
And start to win my heart again 
Cos if you won't claim it at once 
Then let me give it to someone.


Concealed (s.g.)

You've been on my mind lately 
When that's not how it used to be 
I just can't stop thinking about you 
And I don't know what to do 
I ask my heart to stop beating for you 
Because loving you is not what I'm supposed to do 
If one day you'll find out about it 
I'm afraid that would be the end of it 
Losing you is not what I can expect 
It'll break my heart if you will reject 
So I will try my best to pretend 
That you don't even have an effect 
And show that I hardly care for you 
When in fact I want to be with you 
Now to wait for you is what I can do 
Wishing you would learn to love me true 
So I just pray for the day to come 
When you would feel the same way too. 

On A Rainy Day

My "self" has fallen in love again
After quite some time that I tried to avoid the men
But there's something about you that I couldn't resist
So with all my strength I took the risk.
At first I want to stop and say goodbye to you
Because there's no way that you would really want me too.
I know you had been through a lot in your past
Surely fate has a great reason that we crossed paths
Life hadn't been easy for both of us
We can help each other to get back on the track.
If you are hoping to start afresh
With your permission I want to be part of what lies ahead.
Now that you mean all the world to me
All I ask of you is to please let me in.
I love you Johnny today, tomorrow, til the day I die
There's no place I would rather be than inside your heart.

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