Thursday, December 24, 2015

An Open Love Letter

Hi sweetie... can I call you that one last time? I hope you won't mind. How are you and your kids doing? I hope everyone's alright and having a nice Christmas holiday. I can already imagine your kids all smiles with the gifts they received while enjoying your delicious lasagna and roasted chicken. Erm, Merry Christmas to you! I know I'm the last person you would wish to greet you on this day and for that I'm so sorry. That's why I send my greetings through here because I know you will never get to read this nor will ever read any of my post.
There are so many things I wish to say to you but I couldn't and I know you wouldn't want to hear, that's why I'm pouring my heart out here. This is the first time I would ever let anyone know how I'm feeling as I really don't want any of my friends to know that I'm hurting on this Christmas day. I could have wished to Santa that you're the gift I want to received but I don't want to make you unhappy on this day and so I won't ask that. On this day, my only wish is that at least you will remember me today even for a bit and hopefully they're good thoughts that will make you smile instead of frown.
You know, despite what happened between us, I still love you and nothing has changed with the way I feel for you. Every second and every minute of the day, you're in my heart and in my thoughts. I never thought I would love someone like this, the kind of love that I've only seen on movies or soap opera's. A love that never dies no matter how much you already had died inside.
But I never regret, not even once, that I met you and though the way we felt then for each other wasn't the same, I am very thankful for the day I found you. You will always be the best thing that ever happened to me. You made me realized a lot of things about love, made me more patient as I was before and taught me how to be strong and learn to forgive. Loving you brought out the best in me, do things I never thought I could and would.
Sorry that on this occasion I don't have any other gifts for you other than my love and prayers. I will always pray to God to bless you more and your kids, heal your ankle, give you more strength, bless you with good health, give you peace and happiness, bless your job and may you find a woman that you always wanted and will love you more than I have loved you.
Oh well, it's time for me to go now. I promise that this will be the last time I'm going to bother you. Again, I wish you and your family a happy Christmas. God bless you all. Goodbye J....
Lene ♡ ♥ ♡

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