Thursday, December 17, 2015


*old posts from previous blog site (DoubleA)

As I lay down on my bed 
I thought of things which were left unsaid 
Things I needed to say 
I know would have made you stay. 

Why am I still here at night? 
It's not really because I couldn't sleep at all 
But realizing it was already in vain 
That it's you why I stay up late. 

When you told me you have found another 
Someone you dreamt to be with forever 
Now all that is left for me to do 
Is to keep on fighting or just to let go. 

But your happiness means a lot to me 
That I would never want to cause you pain 
And that if she's the true love you've 
been waiting for 
Then I would wished it'll be forever. 

For I know time will come 
I'd tell you what my love for you has become 
If it's love that was forgotten 
Or love left unspoken.


Wide awake in the dark 
Wond'rin where you are tonight 
Were you thinking about me? 
Cause I'm here dreaming of you. 
Wishing you were here lying beside me 
Not just this pillow I'm hugging to warm me. 
Would you give me a chance to kiss you? 
If ever I could get to be near you. 
Will you deny me the opportunity to see you? 
When my heart's longing to be with you. 
When will I hear you say you love me too? 
Not just because you're drunk but it is true. 
Would you rather want me to stay away from you? 
Or you just need more time that I should wait for you. 
Will you feel hurt should I find someone new? 
Or you would be thankful that you'd be free from me soon. 



"Why Should I Care?", he said 
From the boy I cared about the most 
Heard it in the morning but since then 
Those words keeps going on and on 
in my head 
Like a ghost that keeps on haunting me 
Like a nightmare that doesn't make me 
want to go to sleep 
Like an echo that keeps on repeating itself 
Like a boomerang that keeps on coming 
back to me 
Like a shadow that never leaves me 
I tried to run away... 
I tried to hide in seclusion 
But it follows me everywhere I go 
Would it come after me when I'm dead?


I wrote this for a friend ... I'm not sure if I should mention his name 
here (lol). He knew about this and I wish him all the best things in life. 

A prisoner of the past 
Who longs for a love to last 
But no matter how hard he strive 
Her heart doesn't want to try 
For her now he is just a mate 
A friend she wouldn't date 
He's a reflection of how I used to be 
A girl who gave her everything 
I wish he would set her free 
To move forward the way I did 
If the woman he loves is meant for him 
Sooner or later, fate will do their thing 
Just open the door to your heart to clearly see 
There could already be someone who is your destiny 
The one who will love you more than you could 
If you loose her then you are a fool. 


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